Tightrope, pastel and collage, 2015

BoneRaven, 1996  Life size doll 

Porcelain, Metal, Cloth

Cantabile  Pastel 18x 24

Batja Cates

artFlare Studio 106

Moonwalk, mixed media 10" x 12"

Valparaiso, Mixed Media, 12 X 9,  2015

Kaleidoscope  Collage and Pastel 18x 24, 2014

Tree Dance , Mixed Media, 12 x 9

Inner Landscape, Mixed media, 12" x 10"

Poetic License, Mixed Media, 12 x 9, 2015 

Soul Song, Mixed Media, 18" x24"

Ode to Jim Miller, Digital Art

Batja Cates studied multimedia and Art and Authentic  Movement in the 90's  as part of the Sonoma State University  Expressive Arts Therapy Program*.  She has done art all of her life, creating her own comic books as a child. Currently she focuses on collage and pastel, often combining them. Batja works intuitively, informed by a lifetime of art appreciation. Most of her artwork is experimental and she creates techniques as she goes along. One of her experiments was with wire-supported paper on a layered paper surface. She also uses images as "mosaics."

"In my collages, the images take on a life of their own. I often have no idea of the total effect until I see them at a distance.  I enjoy being surprised by what shows up".